Varsha handicraft is an organization to revitalize the ancient craft of hand embroidery of Kutch, Gujarat. The rich and diverse creative traditions of Kachchh live at the intersection of cultures and communities. Once a destination by land and sea for people from Africa, the Middle East, and the Swat Valley, Kachchh has a rich tradition of sea trade from Mandvi and a global connection. A river system was shared between Kachchh, Sindh and Rajasthan. As a border state, Kachchh is constantly absorbing cultures from the north, west, and east.
Kachchhi motifs can be traced to the ancient Harappan civilization, yet craft is developing and growing with the innovative and entrepreneurial drive of spirited artists.The arid climate has pushed communities here to evolve an ingenious balance of meeting their needs by converting resources into products for daily living.While embroidery has become a craft synonymous with Kachchh, other textile crafts and hard materials crafts give this land color and identity. Craft is inextricable from the numerous communities, connected by trade, agriculture and pastoralism in Kachchh. The exclusive range of these works of craftsmen and woven imbued with the social and cultural hue of the region from where they have sprung are original in nature and craftsmanship.
Varsha Handicraft is engaged in making of the various kinds of handicrafts by employing the grass root level artist from the communities who are preserving the valuable crafts of our state. We are giving adequate pay to the original craftsmen and also able to create employment directly or indirectly to almost 400 families. Our products have received acclamation not only across the country but in overseas countries too. Our activities have helped in creating sustainable employment opportunities and income generation to the artisans working in the area of Handicrafts which is a non-farming sector of our Indian economy.